I think our trip began last week...

Jan 19, 2014

I’ll keep this post short but I’m writing it because there’s a part of me that feels like our trip just began. We haven’t really set sail and gone anywhere but we’ve certainly cast off the bowlines and are sitting idly at bay making final preparations and slowly headed for open waters. What I mean with this nautical themed narrative is that we have sold just about everything we own and have moved out of our apartment to live with friends for the next 9 weeks.

IMAG0279.jpgIt didn’t dawn on me how much of a big step this would be until Jen and I stood in the apartment we loved so much, looked around at all it’s emptiness with the memories playing back in our minds and realized we were walking out and locking the door for the last time. We were now “homeless” and on the move.

Now, for the next 9 weeks we are living with Jess and Jolene; two of Jen’s friends from college who were nice enough to give us a bed to sleep on and share their apartment with us asking nothing in return. I hope someday that I can return the favor or pay it forward. We’ve been in the house for a week and aside from two of us having colds, it’s been great. We all get along, our work schedules and routines don’t clash and we cooked a little dinner on our first night together to celebrate the occasion.

So that’s where we are today, 70 days from departure with about 45 work days to go. We aren’t hauling backpacks and trying to travel through foreign lands but we are on the road, or at least that’s how it feels. I’m excited and maybe a little nervous but feel completely ready to go.


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